Part VI Section C: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Before we get back to Bell Numbers, we want to clarify something. We explained earlier that the only way for us to comprehend a higher dimensional object is to project it onto a 2-dimensional surface.  This picture is a higher dimension orthographic projection of a...

A Different Perspective

Part VI section b To get an idea of the complexity of the Torah, we need look no further than its first verse, which has exactly 127 different combinations of its 7 words. This is considering only variations in which of the 7 words are being added together, not their...

Time to Ring the Bell

Part VI, Section a Since the Torah has highlighted and documented this set of specific numbers, lets see if there is a mathematical correlation between them and the cosmos beyond the quantitative borders of the Torah. Once again, Number Theory provides evidence that...

Part V: G-d is One

The Torah is a 248-column x 42-row matrix, just like the 6-column x 7-row 42-Letter matrix that the kabbalists tell us acts like a remote control to it and just like the 8-column x 9-row 72 Triplets matrix. We saw earlier the precision of the sum of the 72 square...

Part IV: Time Out For Pi

In There’s Nothing Random in the Universe we revealed much about Pi, the primordial mathematical that converts straight lines into circles and spheres, and makes our existence possible. Here is one more simple way which relates it to the Torah and to the letters of...

Part III Phi and Beyond

Let us return to viewing this essential odd-even split in the alef-bet as a proportion. We can draw them as two adjoining segments on a line, two adjacent rectangles, or even as we have represented them in the 3-d bar graph below. The important thing is the...

The Splitting of the Alef-Bet

Part II.   Splitting the Alef-Bet We are assuming all 22 elements of the alef-bet existed as a single conjoined entity before they were separated, in a similar way that Light is a whole before it is broken down and separated, or filtered, into a whole spectrum of...

The Reality Behind the Universe

Here we go. The articles in this promised series are going to be shorter and denser segments and come much more often.  They are already written, and the time has come.  There will be a separate page posted after the first segment so you will not have to refer back to...

The Prime Directive

To have faith is to believe in G-d. To believe in G-d is to believe that everything has a purpose, a reason for being.  That begins with the numbers and ends with us.  There is no physicality without numbers because numbers describe the size and pathways of matter....